Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes of 9/25/08

Amended and Approved on 10/30/08


Committee Attendees

Corey Snow - Chair

Allen Garf  - absent

George Bailey - Treasurer

Jane Desberg

Arnold Cohen  - Clerk 

Susan Rich 

Peg Arguimbau 




Karen Wald

Veronica Weisman


Chair’s Report

Chair Snow reported that the Water Department has trouble with the windows for the Pumping Station. He also stated that he is filling out the Charter Commission survey and it can be voted on at the next meeting.


Mr. Snow reported that he met with the Selectmen and provided a CPC status from a financial perspective as well as the CPC Plan. There will be no article for CPC for Fall Town Meeting


Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Bailey reported that for fiscal 2009, the state matched amount figure will be an 8.8% increase over last year. The exact figure will be established on 10/15. Mr. Bailey also reported that he filed the CP3 form.


Administrative invoices were signed.


Meeting Minutes

Mr. Cohen moved to accept the minutes of 8/28/08 as amended. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion and the Committee voted 5-0-1 (Desberg)


Heights Playground

Karen Wald, PTO Chair and project manager for the Heights Playground Project along with Veronica Weisman, the principal fundraiser for the project provided a status of the playgrounds progress. On 8/1 and 8/2 all equipment was installed and the track will be in place next week. Rubber mulch has been installed as well and landscaping has been completed. The CPC grant money paid for the shade structure. The CPC was thanked with hand drawn letters from the children at Heights for the fantastic playground and the difference it made to the community.


CPC Bylaw Wording Changes

Ms. Arguimbau suggested the addition of several new sections as well as a reorganization of the CPC bylaw for better flow. The Board was asked to review the changes and continue the discussion at the next meeting.




Other Business


Officer Elections

Mr. Snow suggested postponing officer elections until the full Committee is present.


CP Coalition Membership

The CPC revisited the topic of joining the CP Coalition. Mr. Cohen stated the organization lobbies for community preservation and is a resource for information. If we do not join, we will be the only Town in the Coalition who did not join and this seems inappropriate. He suggested the Committee vote to join.


Mr. Bailey provided various other association dues fees and budgets and pointed out the differences between those and the CP Coalition. He said the CP Coalition does not elicit leadership from the membership. The overall functioning is lobbying and he fees uncomfortable using the money for lobbying when other projects can be done. He does not feel it is a good expenditure as they do not make their balance sheets public.


Ms. Rich suggested that the CP Coalition provided some educational programs


Ms. Desberg spoke in favor of the CP Coalition and said they provide invaluable assistance and we need this group to advance legislation. She believes they can be of assistance to the Committee. If not satisfied, we can always revisit the membership.


Chair Snow stated that he does not feel we would be getting $1,500 worth of benefits. He found the services from the DOR mores helpful and feels they are a better source of information. He feels, for the $1,500, the Committee could hire a consultant which is more personalized. He rather see the money spent on projects.


A vote was taken and the Committee voted 4-2 in favor of joining the CP Coalition. Mr. Garf was absent. Mr. Snow and Mr. Bailey voted against joining.


CPC Members

Ms. Arguimbau said that her commission was completed and that Betsy McGrath of the Conservation Commission would be replacing her on the CPC.


Next Meeting



Meeting Adjournment

Mr. Bailey moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 pm and Mr. Cohen seconded the motion. The Committee voted 6-0-0.